拜偉大的網路所賜,即便現在有許多人因為肺炎疫情無法出門,但上班族仍可以經由網路辦公,學生也可以透過線上學習,而英國電影與電視學校(National Film and Television School)就秘密的邀請了大衛芬奇(David Fincher)來為 450 名居家隔離的學生們進行線上授課,可以說是意外的收穫。
英國電影與電視學校校長強沃德爾(Jon Wardle)表示,過去一週相當煎熬,於是他們決定要做一些事情來提振學生們的精神,於是邀來傳奇名導大衛芬奇透過 Zoom 與 450 名學生進行了一場大師講堂。
It’s been a tough week so we wanted to do something to lift the spirits of @NFTSFilmTV students. So this afternoon 450 x students sat down for a masterclass via @zoom_us with THE David Fincher. Thx @nevpierce & @VenetiaHawkes for helping me set it up. David is a legend. pic.twitter.com/oaJLKi9tRh
— Jon Wardle (@jonwardle) March 24, 2020
而除了大衛芬奇之外,強沃德爾還找來了《繼承之戰》(Succession)艾美獎戲劇類影集最佳劇本得主傑斯阿姆斯壯(Jesse Armstrong)、《鋒迴路轉》(Knives Out)配樂師奈森強森(Nathan Johnson),一樣透過視訊的方式向其學生們分享寫作與編曲的創作過程。
Hooray @jessearmstrong1 popped by (virtually!) to chat to the @NFTSFilmTV Screenwriters. What a boost. Thanks Jesse! pic.twitter.com/il5Xaikde9
— Jon Wardle (@jonwardle) March 25, 2020
My good friend @NTJohnson popped by to speak to the @NFTSFilmTV Composers today about writing the score for Knives Out. It was a lot of fun. Thanks Nathan! pic.twitter.com/P3Zm9rK361
— Jon Wardle (@jonwardle) March 25, 2020