由索尼影業帶來的《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》(Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)從故事敘事到作畫技術,不僅打破了一部動畫電影的規模與視野,也讓觀眾對於動畫電影有全新的想像,除了有廣獲好評的爆棚口碑外,更一舉拿下奧斯卡最佳動畫長片的肯定,而製作人同時也是編劇之一的菲爾洛德(Phil Lord)日前就在推特上分享了他們在建構劇情發展時的過程。
So here is the “storywheel” of @SpiderVerse . We did a big shakeup of the story less than a year from release and we had to figure out how to reshape sequences we had already boarded and animated and fold them in with new stuff. Oh and we rebroke the whole third act. pic.twitter.com/NYPcaPcXfH
— Phil Lord is staying home (@philiplord) March 22, 2020
而負責此片剪輯作業之一的安德魯勒文頓(Andrew Leviton)也跟著分享,第三幕整個「砍掉重練」的其中一個版本,表示他將自己關在剪接室裡面三天,並根據這個版本做了一些模擬。
That’s the white board for only one of the Act III “rebreaks”... We rebroke it again the July before release with another beautiful mind-y whiteboard. I locked myself in my edit bay for 3 days and mocked something up based on this. pic.twitter.com/gyl3sjH3nK
— Andy! Leviton (@AlliterAndy) March 22, 2020
當然,如果只有白板或許還不夠看,此片導演之一羅德尼羅斯曼(Rodney Rothman)追加分享了一大堆筆記跟塗鴉,足以顯示背後經過多少人的腦力激盪才完成了一部不只是好,而是非常好的電影。
And that was just one whiteboard. Here’s just some of what it represented: pic.twitter.com/HN0BOSvI0w
— rodneyrothman (@rodneyrothman) March 22, 2020
This Persichetti doodle stands out. This might have been the lodestone pic.twitter.com/MPT8L3RvQm
— rodneyrothman (@rodneyrothman) March 22, 2020