Magic City Films 日前宣布,將以數位特效的方式,選角已故演員詹姆斯狄恩(James Dean)演出越戰電影《Finding Jack》,雖然有從其家人取得身後版權,但此一消息曝光之後仍引起了許多討論,其中包含「美國隊長」克里斯伊凡斯(Chris Evans)也表達了對此事的看法。
I’m sure he’d be thrilled ????
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 6, 2019
This is awful.
Maybe we can get a computer to paint us a new Picasso. Or write a couple new John Lennon tunes.
The complete lack of understanding here is shameful. https://t.co/hkwXyTR4pu
另外還有貝蒂米勒(Bette Midler)認為此舉表示身在好萊塢的白人即使過世了仍然可以得到工作,狄倫史普洛茲(Dylan Sprouse)覺得這就像是是電影公司找到消費死者的全新方式,而伊利亞伍德(Elija Wood)認為這根本就不應該要成為一個是事實。不過參與該片配樂的黛安華倫(Diane Warren)則表示這應該是很有趣的一件事,也很慶幸他們有找到還活著的人來為電影譜寫歌曲。
James Dean is being resurrected by CGI to appear in an upcoming movie. Don’t ever let anyone tell you things have gotten more difficult for white guys in Hollywood. Even dead ones can still get a job.
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) November 7, 2019
Mark Roesler, CEO of CMG Worldwide says in addition to other famous, deceased personalities; the film “opens up a whole new opportunity for many of our clients who are no longer with us.” TO BE READ AS: "Found a new way to rob graves of dead icons and milk the masses for less!" https://t.co/67Nxze0wLN
— Dylan Sprouse (@dylansprouse) November 6, 2019
NOPE. this shouldn’t be a thing. https://t.co/RH7jWY5cAG
— Elijah Wood (@elijahwood) November 6, 2019
This should b interesting!! Inthink it's the first time this has been done. Glad they got a living person to write the song! Me!???? pic.twitter.com/fED1QNOWh2
— Diane Warren (@Diane_Warren) November 6, 2019
實際上,安迪薩奇斯(Andy Serkis)在幾個月前就曾討論過相關的問題,他當時談論到動態捕捉演員的表演版權以及透過科技使已故演員重返大銀幕的道德爭議,對此,羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)的女兒薩爾達威廉斯(Zelda Williams)也提出了類似的看法;她認為像是《星際大戰外傳:俠盜一號》(Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)雖然重現了彼得庫辛(Peter Cushing)飾演的塔金總督,但在該片只是客串,而且也是根據彼得庫辛生前自己選擇飾演的角色;另外她也認為,即使在親近的家人都無權一名演員在死後會想要做什麼樣的表演,拍什麼樣的電影。
Jeff was alive to play that part and make those choices, give his permission. Tarkin was a cameo that they based off a role he chose to play, albeit ages ago. I didn’t come for all digital FX (much as I dont like many of them), I came for specific things. https://t.co/C640CEtwVI
— Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) November 7, 2019
This. Exactly this. Even a CLOSE relative has no real idea and should arguably have no right to decide what acting choices you’d want to make, what movies you’d want to do. This implies that once you die, you do whatever anyone else wants, as long as they buy your participation. https://t.co/h6PmqEbQlR
— Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) November 6, 2019