馬丁史柯西斯(Martin Scorsese)的最新執導作品《愛爾蘭人》(The Irishman)自上週於紐約影展開幕首映後,就獲得極高的評價,目前在爛番茄評分網站上以 59 則評論得到滿分新鮮度,更有不少人認定此片絕對會是今年奧斯卡的重要競爭作品,對此,同樣熱愛電影也喜歡與他人分享的墨西哥導演吉勒摩戴托羅(Guillermo del Toro)日前更以 13 則推文來表達他對此片的大力讚賞。
「關於馬丁史柯西斯的《愛爾蘭人》的 13 則推文:首先,這部電影與《亂世兒女》(Barry Lydon)像是墓誌銘般的本質連結在一起,這是關於生命的來來去去、包含所有的動盪、事件、暴力、喧囂、損失,以及如何不變地凋零,就像我們每個人最終都會走向的那樣。」
1/13: 13 Tweets about Scorsese's The Irishman: First- the film connects with the epitaph-like nature of Barry Lyndon. It is about lives that came and went, with all their turmoil, all their drama and violence and noise and loss… and how they invariably fade, like we all do…
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
2/13 “It was in the reign of George III that the aforesaid personages lived and quarrelled; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are all equal now." We will all be betrayed and revealed by time, humbled by our bodies, stripped off our pride.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
3/13 The film is a mausoleum of myths: a Funereal monument that stands to crush the bones beneath it. Granite is meant to last but we still turn to dust inside it.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
「這是反對〈My Way〉的一部電影,一首在世界上所有黑幫婚禮會放的歌。他們擁有很多的遺憾。這條路已經無法重來,而我們都會在終點面臨平衡。即使透過狄尼洛的聲音也越來越模糊不清。」
4/13 It’s the anti”My Way” (played in every gangster wedding in the world). Regrets they had more than few. The road cannot be undone and we all face the balance at the end. Even the voice over recourse has DeNiro trailing off into mumbled nonsense-
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
「我記得在一部描寫瑞克魯賓(Rick Rubin)的紀錄片中,他解釋了強尼凱許(Johnny Cash)如何(在經歷了生與死、走到地獄關頭又回來)演唱〈Hurt〉,給人的感覺是當時還年輕的特倫特雷澤諾(Trent Reznor)所無法達到的(即使那首歌是他寫的)。而這部電影就像是那樣。」
5/13 I remember, in a documentary about Rick Rubin- he explained how Johnny Cash singing “Hurt” (having lived and lost and gone to hell and back) gave it a dimension it could not have in the voice of a -then- young Trent Reznor (even if he composed it). This film is like that.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
「史柯西斯與保羅許瑞德(Paul Schrader)兩人從年輕時就攜手合作,尋找自己作品當中的羅伯布列松(Robert Bresson)。而這部電影將把所有的黑幫神話化為烏有,你就像活在這部電影裡,從來不是為了暴力的美學,從來不是要展現其壯觀的場面,但這仍是一部驚人的電影。」
6/13 Scorsese started hand-in-hand with Schrader, as young men, looking for Bresson. This movie transmogrified all the gangster myths into regret. You live this movie. It never goes for the sexy of violence. Never for the spectacle. And yet it is spectacularly cinematic.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
7/13 Film has the inexorabie feeling of a crucifixion- from the point of view of Judas. Every Station of the cross permeated by humor and a sense of banality- futility- characters are introduced with their pop-up epitaphs superimposed on screen: “This is how they die”
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
「我從來沒想過我會看到一部電影讓我對吉米霍法(Jummy Hoffa)有這麼深的情感,但我確實這麼做了,或許是因為,在最後他更像是甘迺迪家族一樣,同樣代表了美國在戰後的威嚴地位的終結。」
8/13 I never thought I would see a film in which I’d root hard for Jimmy Hoffa- but I did- perhaps because, in the end, he, much like the Kennedys, represented also the end of a majestic post-war stature in America.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
「喬派西是至高崇尚的簡約表演者,一位出色的演員。他就像是個黑洞、一個吸引行星的暗物質。而狄尼洛在飾演一個超越個人能力的角色時總是非常吸引我,這也是為什麼我會這麼喜歡他在《黑色終結令》(Jackie Brown)的演出。」
9/13 Pesci supremely minimalistic. Masterful. He is like a black hole- an attractor of planets- dark matter. DeNiro has always fascinated me when he plays characters that are punching above their true weight - or intelligence- That’s why I love him in so much Jackie Brown-
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
10/13 An interesting transfer between these characters: Pesci- who has played the Machiavellian monster, regains a senile innocence, a benign oblivion and De Niro’s character - who hass operated in a moral blank- gains enough awareness - to feel bitter loneliness.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
11/13 I believe that much is gained if we cross-reference our transgressions with how we will feel in the last three minutes of our life- when it all becomes clear: or betrayals, our saving graces and our ultimate insignificance. This film gave me that feeling.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
12/13 This film needs time- however- it has to be processed like a real mourning. It will come up in stages… I believe most of its power will sink in, in time, and provoke a true realization. A masterpiece. The perfect corollary Goodfellas and Casino.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
13/13 See it. In a theatre. This movie languished in development in studio vaults for so long… having it here, now, is a miracle. And, btw- fastest 3 hours in a cinema. Do not miss it.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) September 30, 2019
《愛爾蘭人》是改編自查爾斯布蘭特(Charles Brandt)的小說〈I Heard You Paint Houses〉,由《紐約黑幫》(Gangs of New York)編劇史蒂芬澤里安(Steven Zaillian)執筆劇本,描述工會領袖吉米霍法(Jimmy Hoffa)與殺手法蘭克(Frank Sheeran)之間及其周遭相關人士橫跨數十年的故事。
主演卡司包括勞勃狄尼洛(Robert De Niro)、艾爾帕西諾(Al PAcino)、喬派西(Joe Pesci)、哈維凱托(Harvey Keitel)、巴比坎納維爾(Bobby Cannavale)、安娜派昆(Anna Paquin)、傑西普萊蒙(Jesse Plemons)等,並再次找來《沈默》(Silence)、《華爾街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)攝影師羅德里哥普里亞沱(Rodrigo Prieto)掌鏡,11 月 27 日 Netflix 全球同步上線。