由金獎影后布莉拉森(Brie Larson)主演的漫威超級英雄電影《驚奇隊長》(Captain Marvel)即將在下個月上映,而此片不僅是漫威電影世界觀建立十年以來首部以女性角色為主軸的個人獨立電影,也是連接《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》(Avengers: Infinity War)與《復仇者聯盟4》(Avengers: End Game)的關鍵作品;日前在美國媒體試映後的首波評價大多都給出了正面的回應,除了又再一次為漫威電影世界觀增加了一部精采作品外,其設定在 90 年代的復古氛圍、對女性角色的描繪都相當受到好評,其中最讓人無法忽視的就是由班曼德森(Ben Mendelsohn)飾演的反派。
Fandango 總編輯埃瑞克戴維斯(Erik David):《驚奇隊長》有著非常棒的 90 年代科幻元素,風格跟其他漫威電影都不一樣,有著復古、迷糊、神秘、呆呆的感覺。有一些趣味發生在令人意外的橋段,而厲害的都在所有正確的位置,但仍然具有娛樂性,因為一直在改變,這部電影有抓到對的方向。
#CaptainMarvel has a great ‘90s sci-fi vibe w/ a tone unlike any other Marvel movie, really. It’s retro & trippy, mysterious & dorky. It’s funny in surprising places & badass in all the right places. It remains entertaining because it’s always changing. It’s got the right stuff pic.twitter.com/o7AvqYY63x
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) February 20, 2019
slashfilm 所有人兼編輯彼得斯克瑞塔(Peter Sciretta):《驚奇隊長》是一個很棒的起源故事,布莉拉森與山謬傑克森的搭檔火花非常有趣,而她與拉莎娜林區(Lashana Lynch)的角色關係是真正的核心,班曼德森和那隻貓咪吸引了所有的目光。
#CaptainMarvel is a great origin story. Brie’s buddy cop chemistry with @SamuelLJackson is so much fun and her relationship with Lashana Lynch is the real heart of it. Ben Mendelsohn and the cat both steal the show.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) February 20, 2019
Indiewire 編輯凱特厄布蘭(Kate Erbland):《驚奇隊長》沒有打破漫威電影世界觀的模式,而對一個起源故事來說這是有點不同、奇怪的呈現方式,但這是好的。有著搭檔喜劇元素、宇宙冒險元素,還有「班曼德森就是一切」元素,以及充滿了驚喜。
#CaptainMarvel doesn't break the MCU mold, but it's a different and weirder spin on the origin story narrative, and that's a good thing. Part buddy comedy, part cosmic adventure, part "oh, yes, Ben Mendelsohn IS good in everything" reminder, it's also full of actual surprises.
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) February 20, 2019
Uproxx 資深娛樂作者麥可萊恩(Mike Ryan):我無法忘懷班曼德森有多棒,我本來擔心他會成為眾多頂著外星生物裝扮的漫威反派之一, 但完全不是這樣,這部電影少了他就行不通了。
I can’t get over how great Ben Mendelsohn is. I was worried he was just going to be one of those Marvel villains with alien makeup, but that’s not the case at all. This movie doesn’t work without him.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) February 20, 2019
拉美電視/電影評論家:尤蘭達麥查朵(Yolanda Machado):我愛死《驚奇隊長》了,這部電影非常不同於多數的漫威電影,非常的 90 年代,好玩、有趣且超級鼓舞人心,讓我感到身為女性而驕傲。還有,作為一名在 90 年代的青少年,原聲帶真是太棒了。
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) February 20, 2019
Its very different than most of the MCU films and so very 90s. It's funny and fun and super empowering. It made me feel proud to be a woman.
Also, as a 90s teen, the soundtrack....oh, the soundtrack ❤
The Playlist 特約編輯桂格瑞艾爾伍德(Gregory Ellwood):《驚奇隊長》像是一部大雜燴,前半段節奏緩慢乏味,後半段就好多了,感覺導演們無法逃脫漫威公式。班曼德森搶走了光彩,但驚奇隊長的超能力特效比預告好很多。
Captain Marvel is a mixed bag. First half is slow and uninspired. Second half much better. Feels like directors could not escape Marvel formula. Mendelson steals the move. VfX of full Marvel powers much better than trailers.
— Gregory Ellwood - Playlist ???? (@TheGregoryE) February 20, 2019
Collider 主編史蒂夫溫特勞布(Steven Weintraub): 《驚奇隊長》是一部令人歡欣接受進入漫威電影世界觀的作品,在某些片段真的做得非常好,班曼德森出現的每一幕都幾乎搶走了目光,但布莉拉森也真的在這個角色裡發光,準備好迎接《復仇者聯盟4》吧。
#CaptainMarvel is a welcome addition to the #MCU. The movie is really well done with some great moments. #benmendelsohn steals almost every scene he's in. @brielarson literally shines in the role. So ready for #AvengersEndGame pic.twitter.com/GET0socRjl
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 20, 2019
Mashable 副娛樂編輯安吉 J. 翰(Angie J. Han):《驚奇隊長》:嗯,薩諾斯死定了。
#CaptainMarvel: Well, Thanos is fucked.
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) February 20, 2019