魁北克導演丹尼斯維勒納夫(Denis Villeneuve)在 2015 年《怒火邊界》(Sicario)角逐坎城影展最高榮譽金棕櫚,雖未成功抱回獎項,但仍獲得普遍好評,同時獅門娛樂也計畫開啟分段式的系列電影計畫;然而續集《怒火邊界2:毒刑者》(Sicario: Day of Soldado)在原導演丹尼斯維勒納夫、攝影師羅傑狄金斯(Roger Deakins),甚至是女主角艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)皆缺席的狀態下,相信也讓不少觀眾好奇電影最終會如何呈現,而日前在美國媒體試映過後釋出了首波好評。
Uproxx 資深娛樂作家麥克萊恩(Mike Ryan):《怒火邊界2:毒刑者》出乎意料的非常棒,緊張、大膽、並且結束在一個讓我想要看更多的地方,班尼西歐戴托羅的表現十分驚豔。
SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO is, surprisingly, pretty awesome. Tense, gritty, and ends on a note where I want more. Benicio del Toro is amazing.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) June 15, 2018
The Playlist 編輯蓋格瑞埃爾伍德(Gregory Ellwood):雖然沒有第一集傑出的視覺,但泰勒謝里丹的劇本非常好,有令人意想不到的心碎時刻,布洛林與戴托羅的表現相當有力。此外,《怒火邊界2:毒刑者》也非常適時,謝瑞丹毫無畏懼的呈現出美墨邊界黑與白交織的灰色地帶,這是一部帶有意涵的驚悚劇情片,我已經等不及要看第三章了。
Saw Sicario: Day of the Soldado last night. It's FANTASTIC. It's doesn't have the visual splendor of Villeneuve's first film, but Taylor Sheridan's screenplay is SUPERB. Film has unexpected heartbreaking moments and strong performances from Del Toro and Brolin. pic.twitter.com/SH5gGOQnvv
— Gregory Ellwood ???? (@TheGregoryE) June 15, 2018
Moreover, Soldado is VERY timely. There is little black and white on the border between Mexico and the US. It's a grey zone and Sheridan's script isn't afraid to go there. It's a dramatic thriller with something to say. Go see it, because I can't wait to see a third chapter.
— Gregory Ellwood ???? (@TheGregoryE) June 15, 2018
Variety 編輯克里斯多福塔普雷(Kristopher Tapley):伊莎貝拉莫娜的表現也相當突出;此片獻給了尤翰尤韓森(Jóhann Jóhannsson),這是當然的,他的作品深受前作大提琴家 Hildur Guðnadóttir 的尊重,〈The Beast〉一曲有了相當厲害的重現。
Isabela Moner is stellar as well. And the film is dedicated to Jóhann Jóhannsson, of course, whose work is well-respected by Hildur Guðnadóttir (a cellist on the first). "The Beast" gets such a badass reprise, though. Anyway, I'll see it again ASAP.
— Kristopher Tapley (@kristapley) June 15, 2018
Collider 主編史蒂夫溫特勞布(Steven Weintraub):《怒火邊界2:毒刑者》被做得非常好,再加上布洛林與戴托羅的精彩演出。正如你所預期的,泰勒謝里丹的劇本相當出色,真的很希望這部電影能有很好的表現好讓電影公司完成三部曲。
Happy to report 'Sicario: Day of the Soldado' is *extremely* well made and features fantastic performances from Josh Brolin and Benecio del Toro. As you might expect, Taylor Sheridan's screenplay is excellent. Really hope the film does well so they can complete the trilogy. pic.twitter.com/hLkly137jA
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) June 15, 2018
娛樂記者傑夫史奈德(Jeff Sneider):或許不如第一集,但布洛林與戴托羅的表現像火焰一般,泰勒謝里丹又再一次證明他為什麼是美國最好的編劇之一,不是個完美的續集,但還是很精彩。
Dark doesn’t begin to describe SICARIO: DAY OF THE SOLDADO. It’s fucked up and I kinda loved it. Maybe not quite as much as the first film, but Brolin & Benicio are FIRE & Taylor Sheridan proves again why he’s one of the best writers in town. Not a perfect sequel but VERY badass
— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) June 15, 2018
《怒火邊界2:毒刑者》由義大利導演斯蒂法諾索利瑪(Stefano Sollima)執導,並且再次找回泰勒謝里丹(Taylor Sheridan)執筆劇本,內容描述美國與墨西哥邊境的毒品戰爭規模不斷升級,而販毒集團甚至開始透過邊界運送恐怖份子。
主演卡司包括班尼西歐戴托羅(Benicio del Toro)、喬許布洛林(Josh Brolin)都將再度回歸,其他卡司則有凱薩琳基納(Catherine Keener)、傑佛瑞唐納文(Jeffrey Donovan)、馬修莫丁(Matthew Modine)、伊莎貝拉莫娜(Isabela Moner),由曾參與前作音樂演出的冰島大提琴家 Hildur Guðnadóttir 譜曲配樂,多次與雷利史考特(Ridley Scott)合作的攝影師 Dariusz Wolski 擔綱攝影執導,預計 9 月 21 日台灣上映。